Skool Projekt's Investment Philosophy


Skool Projekt's investment philosophy is centered around knowledge and education. Here are the key principles that define Skool Projekt's approach:

  1. Educate Yourself: It is important to invest in businesses and industries that you understand. Avoid companies with complex or obscure business models, invest in industries where you have a clear understanding of how they operate.

  2. Assess True Value: Focus on determining the intrinsic value of a company, which is the true worth of a business based on its fundamentals, such as earnings, dividends, and growth prospects. Look for companies whose market price is significantly lower than their intrinsic value, providing a margin of safety.

  3. Think Long-Term: Have a long-term investment horizon. Buy high-quality companies and hold onto them for decades, allowing compounding to work in his favor. 

  4. Evaluate the Leadership: Place a strong emphasis on the quality and integrity of a company's management. Focus on companies with strong leadership that act in the best interests of shareholders.

  5. Tune Out Market Noise: BIgnore short-term market fluctuations and focus on the underlying performance of the businesses in which you invest. Don’t try to time the market or react to daily price movements.

  6. Exercise Patience and Discipline: Be patient and disciplined. Wait for the right opportunities and don't hesitate to hold cash if you can't find undervalued investments.

Skool Projekt's philosophy is characterized by in-depth knowledge, fundamental analysis, a long-term perspective, and a disciplined approach to investing.